(STEM是科学(Science) , 技术(Technology) , 工程(Engineering) , 数学(Mathematics)四门学科英文首字母的缩写)感兴趣 , 把研发作为重中之重 , 否则中国将吃掉我们的午餐 。
美国网友Glenn Luk的观点
It really depends on how one views economic competition and global trade.
这真的取决于一个人如何看待经济竞争和全球贸易 。
- Some view it as a zero-sum winner-take all game: “There is a finite supply of resources and only one of us can own it.”
- Some see the benefits of trade and collaboration: “I am good at A. You are good at B. Let’s trade and share in the value creation.”
My deeply held view is that the world has been shifting from (1) to (2) since the dawn of the industrial revolution. This is the nature of modern technology-driven progress and the difference between “finite” and “non-finite” goods and services (explained in more detail below). Over the past fifty years the pace of this shift has only accelerated.
我深信 , 自工业革命开始以来 , 世界一直在从(1)向(2)转变 。 这就是现代技术驱动的进步的本质 , 也是“有限”和“非有限”商品和服务之间的区别(下文将详细解释) 。 在过去的五十年里 , 这种转变的步伐一直在加快 。
In a world of relative “distributed plenty” — driven largely by technological progress — collaborating (trying to expand the pie together) becomes a more effective strategy than taking an adversarial stance (trying to grab a bigger share of said pie).
在一个相对“分配充足”(主要由技术进步驱动)的世界里 , 合作(试图共同扩大蛋糕)成为比采取对抗立场(试图在蛋糕中攫取更大份额)更有效的策略 。
Technological-driven change inevitably results in disruption. Technology destroys old ways of doing things and replaces it with new more efficient ways of doing things. Change and disruption almost always create both winners and losers leading to social change. The countries that can handle the negative social effects of disruption best are going to be the ones that can best harness the associated positive benefits from technological-driven progress.
技术驱动的变化不可避免地会导致破坏 。 科技摧毁了旧的做事方式 , 取而代之的是新的、更有效的做事方式 。 变革和破坏几乎总是会产生赢家和输家 , 从而导致社会变革 。 能够最好地处理颠覆带来的负面社会影响的国家 , 将是那些能够最好地利用技术推动的进步带来的相关积极效益的国家 。
From the perspective of a nation-state this actually puts greater importance on inward focus (making sure the domestic economy is dynamic enough to handle change and proliferate said technology) as opposed to outward focus (trying to win every negotiation with trading partners).
从单一民族国家的角度来看 , 这实际上更重视对内关注(确保国内经济有足够的活力来应对变化和扩散上述技术) , 而不是对外关注(试图赢得与贸易伙伴的每一次谈判) 。
In other words a country needs to first get its own house in order so that it can reap the benefits of technology-driven change — both internally and externally driven change. I am talking about social and domestic economic policies that ensure that our economy remains dynamic.
换句话说 , 一个国家首先需要把自己的房子收拾好 , 这样它才能从技术驱动的变革中获益——包括内部和外部驱动的变革 。 我说的是确保我们的经济保持活力的社会和国内经济政策 。
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