First we need to look forward not backwards:
首先 , 我们要向前看 , 而不是向后看 。
- I used run cross-country in high school. The races were long and it could be a lonely at times especially if you were at the front of the pack. One of the key lessons my coach taught me was to always look ahead and not at the runners behind you.
- 我在高中的时候跑过越野跑 。 比赛时间很长 , 有时可能会很孤单 , 尤其是如果你跑在前面的话 。 我的教练教给我的最重要的一课就是永远要向前看 , 而不是盯着你后面的跑者 。
- We need to focus on inventing the technologies of tomorrow instead of hanging on to the industries of yesterday.
- 我们需要专注于发明未来的技术 , 而不是执着于昨天的行业 。
- That means making sure we are doing everything we can to be in the right position to succeed in emerging industries like AI blockchain robotics renewable energy genetics etc.
- 这意味着确保我们尽我们所能在正确的位置上取得成功 , 在新兴行业 , 如人工智能、区块链、机器人、可再生能源、基因等 。
其次 , 我们需要适应:
- We need to recognize that the rules have changed from a hundred or even fifty years ago when wealth and power were determined far more by the ownership and production of zero-sum “finite” goods.
- 我们需要认识到 , 与100年甚至50年前相比 , 规则已经发生了变化 , 当时财富和权力更多地取决于零和、“有限”商品的所有权和生产 。
- Using raw power and military might to control the narrative is simply a far less effective strategy than in previous eras.
- 使用粗鲁的力量和军事力量来控制叙事 , 是一种远不如以往有效的策略 。
- Instead being able to collaborate and build strong alliances is a far more effective strategy.
- 相反 , 能够合作并建立强大的联盟是一种更为有效的战略 。
第三 , 我们需要自省和谦卑:
- We need to recognize our own flaws and work to fix them.
- 我们需要认识到自己的缺点 , 并努力改正它们 。
- For example I think our biggest Achilles Heel is our massively inefficient healthcare system.
- 例如 , 我认为我们最大的阿喀琉斯之踵是我们低效的医疗保健系统 。
- If we can fix our own flaws we become a more productive and competitive economy freeing up economic resources that can be used to maintain our technology leadership.
- 如果我们能解决自己的缺陷 , 我们就能成为一个更有生产力和竞争力的经济体 , 释放出可以用来保持我们技术领先地位的经济资源 。
第四 , 我们需要有同理心 , 这样我们才能充满活力:
- We need to recognize that technology-enabled changes are disruptive to society.
- 我们需要认识到 , 技术带来的变化对社会是破坏性的 。
- Technology-driven progress effectively means forcing change on people which impacts their communities and eventually shows up in our politics.
- 技术驱动的进步实际上意味着迫使人们改变 , 这影响他们的社区 , 并最终体现在我们的政治中 。
- If we do not pay attention to the effects of technology-driven change on society eventually those that are affected will start to push back.
- 如果我们不注意技术驱动的变革对社会的影响 , 最终那些受到影响的人将开始反击 。
- While we should certainly reserve most of our empathy for our own citizens it doesn’t hurt to share with the rest of the world either.
- 虽然我们当然应该把大部分的同理心留给我们自己的公民 , 但与世界其他国家分享也无妨 。
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