网飞又不是什么必需品 。 Hulu , 派拉蒙 , Prime视频 , Sling和Peacock等流媒体正在推出越来越多的电视节目和电影 。 对于网飞而言 , 他们有太多的竞争对手了 , 消费者不会放任他们这种操作的 。 如果我想和自己76岁的母亲分享自己的账号 , 那么这就不该是一个问题 。 一切都好 , 我一直在考虑减少开支 。 所以 , 我并不介意退订自己的会员资格...而且我发现自己看派拉蒙 , hulu和Prime视频的次数反而更多 。
Nicola Krystine
What Netflix should be worried is having more stuff that worth watching.
网飞更需要关心的是他们需要多拍一些值得一看的玩意儿 。
Adema 23
No they need to just stop canceling shows after 1 or 2 seasons.
不 , 他们需要做的是不要拍个一两季就把节目砍掉 。
Password sharing is how I justify keeping my Netflix subscxtion month after month. I’m one of those users who only watches once in a while but I keep my subscxtion because my parents are on it too. if it were just me I’d probably subscribe for a few months watch everything I want to cancel and move on to another service. I definitely would not have tolerated their price increases without being “locked in” with my parents.
密码能够共享正是我坚持每月订阅网飞的理由 。 我是那种偶尔才会上去看会儿节目的用户 , 但是我却一直在订阅网飞 , 因为我的父母也会看 。 如果只有我一个人用的话 , 我肯定会订阅几个月 , 然后看完自己想看的节目后便取消订阅 , 转向另一个流媒体服务 。 而且如果不能和父母共用的话 , 我绝对不会容忍他们之前的涨价行为 。
Stephanie Griffin
Agreed. It's one of the reason I still keep it and I'm ony sharing with one person who doesn't live with me anyway. They act like their content is so great; it isn't. Once I see extra charge I will watch everything I care about and cancel.
赞同 , 这正是我依旧继续订阅的原因之一 , 我只和一个不和我住在一起的人共享账号 。 网飞整的好像自己平台上的内容很精彩似的 , 然而并没有多好 。 如果他们要征收额外的费用 , 我会看完自己想看的东西后 , 立马取消订阅 。
I feel exactly the same. All current Netflix subscribers should cancel the day that policy goes into affect. We could all live without Netflix. It would definitely send a strong message!
我也有同样的感受 。 所有的网飞用户都应该在这政策生效的当天取消订阅 。 没有网飞我们也能活 。 此举绝对能够向他们传达一个强烈的信息!
Ernest Holloway
I only keep it because of my kids in Michigan. The min this happens I'm going to get rid of it.
我之所以还订阅网飞完全就是为了我生活在密西根的孩子们 。 一旦此政策生效 , 我就会退订 。
You can watch everything for free online which is really not that difficult.
你可以在网上免费观看所有的节目 , 这种事其实真的并不难 。
@Zaidense I am willing to pay for content and want to support good content being madebut only if I feel it's worth it.
@Zaidense 我愿意为内容付费 , 并希望能够通过此举支持优秀内容的制作 , 但前提是我得觉得自己付的钱物有所值 。
Man listen there are so many other streaming apps. Netflix better sit down and shut up
兄嘚们听好了 , 市面上还有很多其他的流媒体App 。 网飞最好坐下来 , 闭上自己的嘴巴 。
They legit waste so much money on their trash original content and expecting us to stick around for all these subscxtion increases. About done with Netflix altogether considering Stranger Things is ending after one more season and that's about the only show I consistently watch on there.
他们在自己的那些垃圾原创内容上浪费了如此多的钱 , 却还指望我们在订阅费上涨的时候留下来 。 考虑到《怪奇物语》再过一季就要完结了 , 我也差不多该和网飞说再见了 , 这是唯一一部我一直在追的剧 。
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