Mr Musk the billionaire co-founder and chief executive of electric vehicle maker Tesla on Thursday proposed an offer price of $54.20 a share to buy Twitter in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
在他公开宣布对该公司投资9.2%之前的最后一个交易日 , 他说道这个价格比推特股票在4月1日的收盘价溢价38% ,。
The amount represents a 38 per cent premium on the closing price of Twitter's stock on April 1 the last trading day before his investment of 9.2 per cent in the company was publicly announced he said.
在以约30亿美元收购约7350万股股票后 , 马斯克成为了推特的最大股东 , 马斯克收到了董事会席位邀请 , 但他本周拒绝了这一提议 。
As Twitter's single largest shareholder after his acquisition of about 73.5 million shares valued at about $3bn Mr Musk was offered a seat on its board but he declined the offer this week.
他周四表示:“我投资了推特 , 因为我相信它有可能成为全球言论自由的平台 , 我相信言论自由是一个正常民主的社会义务 。 ”
\"I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy\" he said on Thursday.
“然而 , 自从我投资以来 , 现在 , 我意识到公司既不会发展壮大 , 也不会服务这种社会需求 。 推特需要转变为一家私人公司 。
\"However since making my investment I now realise the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.
“我的报价是我能给的最好价 , 也是最终的报价 , 如果不被接受 , 我将需要重新考虑我是否继续做股东 。 ”
\"My offer is my best and final offer and if it is not accepted I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder.\"
推特表示 , 它将“仔细审查该提案 , 以确定接下来的动作” 。
Twitter said it would \"carefully review the proposal to determine the course of action\".
对于国际上最大的微博平台推特拥有众多大股东 , 就在特斯拉公布自己的股份并表示是推特最大的股东时 , 全球第二大资产管理公司美国先锋领航集团(Vanguard Group)现在拥有推特的8240万股 , 公司股比约为10.3% 。
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