Java|华为重大官宣,孟晚舟身份突变:果然,任正非还是食言了( 三 )

这时 , 公司内部员工 , 才知道一路被老板骂过来的员工就是传说中的“华为长公主” 。
At this time the company's internal staff just know all the way to be scolded by the boss over the staff is the legendary \"Huawei princess\".
彼时 , 她进入华为已经整整20年了 。
At that time she had been at Huawei for 20 years.

如果有人在1993年拨通华为总部的客服电话 , 为他转接分机的很可能就是今天的轮值董事长、当年年仅21岁的孟晚舟 。
If someone had called a customer service number at Huawei headquarters in 1993 it would probably have been Meng Wanzhou the 21-year-old chairwoman today who transferred the extension.
那一年 , 她刚从深圳大学毕业 , 在父亲的安排下 , 她加入刚刚起步的华为公司工作 。 而且她与父亲默契地隐瞒了“总裁之女”的秘密 。
That year she had just graduated from Shenzhen University and her father had arranged for her to join the fledgling Huawei. She also hid the secret of the president s daughter from her father.
因为父亲告诉她 , 社会阅历的第一条是对人要有认识 , 而打杂的经历有助于积累这些经验 。
Her father told her that the first rule of social experience was to get to know people and the busman experience helped to accumulate these experiences.
她的职责确实颇为重要 , 但也琐碎 。
Her duties are important indeed but also trivial.
她做过秘书、协助过销售和服务部门 , 负责打字、制作产品目录、安排展览会务等 。
She worked as a secretary assisting sales and service departments typing cataloging and arranging exhibitions.
她回忆那段往事 , 笑着自嘲:“我是华为早年仅有的三个秘书之一 。 ”
\"I was one of only three secretaries in huawei's early years\" she recalls with a laugh.
她尤其记得 , 那一张办公桌大的平板上 , 排布着密密麻麻的按键 。 每当电话要响起 , 红红绿绿的信号灯就会不停闪烁 , 她经常会紧张到手忙脚乱 。
She remembered in particular a desk-sized tablet lined with buttons. Red and green lights would flash whenever the phone was about to ring and she would often panic.
工作稍有出错 , 迎来的便是父亲的厉声呵斥 。 有些老员工还记得 , 她从任正非办公室出来后 , 泪眼婆娑的模样 。
Work a little mistake ushered in is father's harsh rebuke. Some longtime employees remember her in tears as she emerged from Ren's office.

1997年 , 为了更好地在华为发光发热 , 孟晚舟短暂离职 , 到华中理工大学攻读MBA硕士学位 。
In 1997 meng briefly left to pursue a master's degree at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in order to better shine at Huawei.
毕业后 , 她才从行政岗位转接到财务岗位 。 但在当时 , 这并不是一个轻松的挑战 。
After graduation she transferred from an administrative position to a finance position. But at the time it was not an easy challenge.
任正非用“一杆汉阳枪”来比喻华为的财务:一大批青年人 , 初出茅庐 , 什么都不懂 , 提着一杆汉阳枪就上战场 。
Ren Zhengfei compares Huawei's finance with \"a Hanyang gun\" : a large number of young people fresh out of school do not know anything carrying a Hanyang gun to the battlefield.
孟晚舟也是如此 , 每逢月末、季末或者年末统计账目的时候 , 她常常是夜以继日 , 废寝忘食地工作 。
It is the same with Meng. She often works day and night when she is compiling accounts at the end of each month quarter or year.
她的办公室常年备有一张床垫 , 可以方便加班时休息;赶上出差 , 她总是选择凌晨和深夜的航班 , 绝不占用白天原本该工作的时间 。
She keeps a mattress in her office so she can relax during overtime. When she goes on business trips she always takes early morning and late night flights never taking up time during the day when she should be working.