这就是为什么他们更害怕天朝而不是“大毛熊”:因为他们制造产品 , 他们是一个工业国家 , 而美国不再是 。 中国人是比美国更好的商人 。 他们不干涉与他们打交道的国家的内部政治 。 他们不去管他们 , 他们无意征服他们 , 这与1945年以来美国的帝国主义行为完全相反 。
You mean steal the intellectual property given to them by people like ceo cooke of apple because he is too cheap to build his phones in America. Instead preferring to use china's slave labor to create much higher profit margins.
你的意思是窃取苹果首席执行官库克等人给他们的知识产权 , 因为他太便宜了 , 不能在美国制造手机 。 相反 , 他们更喜欢使用中国的廉价劳动力来创造更高的利润率 。
The answer is simple. If and it's a big IF American companies stop giving their designs to china today this is as advanced they will be for at least 20 years. They can't design these chips only clone what American or other companies hand china knowing they will violate the terms of contact and clone their design.
答案很简单 。 如果美国公司今天停止向中国提供他们的设计 , 这将是他们至少20年的先进水平 。 他们不能设计这些芯片 , 只能克隆美国或其他公司给中国的芯片 , 知道他们会违反合同条款 , 克隆他们的设计 。
Nixon should never opened relations with china. We turned cave people into the second largest economy in the world and first in exports all in less than 30 years!
尼克松永远不应该与中国开放关系 。 我们把穴居人变成了世界第二大经济体 , 出口第一 , 这一切都在不到30年的时间里!
It was dumb every president since Nixon democrat and republican failed the American people and helped destroy our economy. All because companies wanted cheap labor and free importing of their products. Not one of those American companies are loyal patriotic companies. They and EVERY president since has been pathetic.
这是愚蠢的 , 自尼克松以来的每一任总统 , 民主党人和共和党人 , 都让美国人民失望 , 并帮助摧毁了我们的经济 。 这一切都是因为公司想要廉价劳动力和自由进口他们的产品 。 这些美国公司没有一家是忠诚的、爱国的公司 。 他们以及此后的每一位总统都很可悲 。
Yes of course.
是的 , 当然可以 。
The industrial revolution reached America from Europe but it developed more quickly and more widely in America than it did in its homeland because America had different challenges. America built better automobiles because they had worse roads. America developed better farm equipment because they had bigger farms.
工业革命从欧洲传到美国 , 但它在美国的发展比在美国本土更快、更广泛 , 因为美国面临着不同的挑战 。 美国人造了更好的汽车 , 因为他们有更糟糕的道路 。 美国发展了更好的农业设备 , 因为他们有更大的农场 。
China will develop its own chip industry to meet its own challenges.
中国将发展自己的芯片产业 , 迎接自己的挑战 。
Instead of answering this question of which I do not have the technical expertise and authority I would borrow from this YouTuber below who is an expert in the fields of semiconductor and artificial intelligence. I apologize that it is in Cantonese with Chinese subtitles. I hope he will have English subtitles at some point.
我不回答这个问题 , 因为我没有技术专业知识和权威 , 我想借用下面这位youtube用户的意见 , 他是半导体和人工智能领域的专家 。 很抱歉 , 这是粤语 , 有中文字幕 。 我希望他将来能有英文字幕 。
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