
1、Good bye再见例句:Aloha means both hello and good bye. “阿罗哈”的意思是“你好 , 再见” 。2、Bye bye 再见 例句:Good, and once again, many thanks. bye bye. 好 , 再次表示感谢 。再见 。再见例句:Time passed so fast,it's time to say byebye to you.时间过得真快 , 到了我们该说再见的时候了 。再见 例句:Bye-bye. I'll be seeing you at the reception.招待会上再见 。5、Ciao 再见 例句:Football, is for specialists like us, ciao.足球 , 是专门为我们这样的专家准备的 。再见 。6、Catch you later 待会儿见 例句:Catch you later, buddy! 再见 , 老兄!


1、Good bye再见例句:Aloha means both hello and good bye. “阿罗哈”的意思是“你好 , 再见” 。2、Bye bye 再见 例句:Good, and once again, many thanks. bye bye. 好 , 再次表示感谢 。再见 。再见例句:Time passed so fast,it's time to say byebye to you.时间过得真快 , 到了我们该说再见的时候了 。再见 例句:Bye-bye. I'll be seeing you at the reception.招待会上再见 。5、Ciao 再见 例句:Football, is for specialists like us, ciao.足球 , 是专门为我们这样的专家准备的 。再见 。6、Catch you later 待会儿见 例句:Catch you later, buddy! 再见 , 老兄!