
concert 名词 n.
1. 音乐会,演奏会[C] They came into town to hear a concert. 他们进城来听音乐会 。
2. 一致,和谐,协调,一致行动[U] He had his head turned by a concert of praise. 他因受到异口同声的赞颂而忘乎所以 。及物动词 vt. 1. 商议,协同安排,使协调 We will get together to concert our differences. 我们将聚集一起协调分歧 。不及物动词 vi. 1. 协力,协调,一致行动


concertmusicalephilharmonic等都有音乐会的意思 。
1,流行歌曲的爱好者纷纷从四面八方向音乐会的举办地点聚集 。Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.
2,真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去 。It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.
3,音乐会将在学校的礼堂内举行 。The concert will be in the school hall.
4,到音乐会去换换环境比较好 。It is good to go to a concert for a change.
【concert是什么意思,音乐会用英语翻译?】5,音乐会将于星期六举行 。The concert will be given on Saturday.