
him英[h?m]美[h?m]pron.(he的宾格) 他;词组Why Him 恼爸偏头痛 ; 为什么是他 ; 为何是他 ; 未来外父插女婿love him 爱他 ; 喜欢他 ; 我爱他 ; 她没有说霍克可爱cuff him 把他铐起来 ; 铐起来stripped him 脱去他的衣服例句1.Oh, how she longed to win him to converse!啊,她多想同他款款而谈!
2.I know him , but i do n't frequent him much.我认识他,但不常往来 。
3.It was impossible to associate failure with him.想不到他会失败 。4.I can not bring him to my point of view.我无法说服他同意我的观点 。5.His subtlety could not avail him here.他精明机智在这里无济于事了 。


him读法见如下音标 。
pron.(he的宾格) 他;
[例句]John's aunt died suddenly and left him a surprisingly large sum
约翰的婶婶突然去世了,留给他一笔巨额财产 。
God will help you if you turn to Him in humility and trust.
【him是什么意思,him怎么读?】如果你怀着一颗谦恭而信任的心向上帝求助,上帝会帮助你 。
Is Sam there? Let me talk to him
萨姆在吗?让我和他谈谈 。
On his arrival, Elaine met him at the bus station
他来时,伊莱恩在汽车站迎接他 。
My brother had a lovely dog. I looked after him for about a week.
我哥哥有一只可爱的狗 。我照看了它约一周 。