fear of god什么意思,fearofgod要怎么搭配?

FearofGod [词典][医]上帝恐怖; [例句]AtsometimeorotherEvehadobviouslyputthefearofGodintoher. 显然伊芙时不时有意吓唬她一下 。

fear of god什么意思,fearofgod要怎么搭配?

【fear of god什么意思,fearofgod要怎么搭配?】1、At some time or other Eve had obviously put the fear of God into her.显然伊芙时不时有意吓唬她一下 。
2、So did not I, because of the fear ofGod.而我们不敢这麽做,因为我们敬畏上帝 。
3、I had liv'd a dreadful life, perfectly destitute of the knowledge and fearof god.过去,我过着可怕的生活,对上帝完全缺乏认识和敬畏 。
4、I thought you said you wantedfear ofGodput in this guy.我以为你说你想这家伙遭天遣 。