冬眠假期刚刚结束 我还有点糊涂
鸟儿在头顶把森林叫醒 春天空气让我很舒服
天上太阳已红扑扑 看起来很模糊
远处山坡有几棵小树 去年冬眠前我没记住
青草香 浆果甜
喝着露水靠着树 抬起头
垫脚尖 加快我长大的脚步
吹口哨 哼着歌
摇摇晃晃找到路 晃脑袋
揉眼睛 长大的我还有点小糊涂
【脑瓜疼脑瓜疼是什么歌,小猪佩奇唱脑袋肩膀那首歌是什么歌?】这首歌是《脑袋 肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾》,作曲 : anonymous作词 : anonymous脑袋肩膀膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾脑袋肩膀膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾眼睛耳朵 嘴巴和鼻子脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾眼睛耳朵 嘴巴和鼻子脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾Head and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toesHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes andEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toesHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toesHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes andEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾眼睛耳朵 嘴巴和鼻子脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾Head and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toesHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes andEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾眼睛耳朵 嘴巴和鼻子脑袋肩膀 膝盖 脚趾膝盖脚趾Head and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toesHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes andEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead and shoulders kneesAnd toes knees and toes
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