mouth ; bazoo
嘴 [zuǐ],名词,(口的通称) mouth:wry-mouthed;歪嘴 。purse up one's lips,噘起嘴,(形状或作用像嘴的东西) anything shaped or functioning like a mouth:the spur of a hill;山嘴 。the spout of a teapot;茶壶嘴 。
例子:她的嘴微微一撇,Her mouth quirked gently.
他的嘴的周围粘着血块,The blood caked around his mouth.
你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力 。
You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums.
“嘴巴”的英文表达为“mouth” mouth 英[ma?θ] 美[ma?θ] n. 口; 出入口; 传闻; vt. 装腔作势地说; 喃喃地说,心不在焉地说,言不由衷地说; vi. 装腔作势说话; 词组 mouth on someone [美国俚语]告发某人 river mouth 河口 from mouth to mouth 广泛流传 big mouth 多嘴者 from hand to mouth adv. 仅能糊口地 mouth to mouth adj. 口对口的 , adv. 口对口地 例句 1.His mouth was open and his eyes bugging. 他嘴张着,眼珠都鼓了出来 。
【嘴巴的英语怎么说,嘴英语怎么读?】2.Faber cupped hands around his mouth. 菲伯尔用手在嘴边做了个剌叭筒 。3.The old man took the pipe out of his mouth. 老头儿打嘴里拿出烟斗 。4.A weasel ran off with a chick in its mouth. 黄鼠狼叼走一只小鸡 。5.Her mouth worked and no sound came out. 她嘴哆嗦着,说不出一句话 。
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