阿拉巴马州 AL简介:阿拉巴马州位于美国东南方 。面积5万多平方英里,人口约462万人 。本州最好的学校有两个,都在百名之内,分别为奥本大学及阿拉巴马大学-塔城主校区 。气候:阿拉巴马的夏季漫长而炎热,冬季则通常是温和的 。北方冬季的平均气温约为八度,南方则为十一度 。全州的夏季平均温度约为二十七度 。
阿拉巴马大学 The University of Alabama
奥本大学Auburn University
桑佛德大学Samfo rd University
【美国阿拉巴马州的温度常识及名校推荐】 阿拉巴马大学建立于1831年,是阿拉巴马州历史最悠久的公立大学之一 。每年平均有来自全美各州及许多不同国家的19,000名学生就读于此 。国际学生占了阿拉巴马大学学生人数的5% 。学校以全美最美丽的校园之一和齐全的设备自豪,学校里有6个图书馆、9个计算机教室和现代化的娱乐休闲中心 。
阿拉巴马大学TheUniversity of Alabama是阿拉巴马州历史最悠久的最高学府,是一所系所非常多样化且完整的学术机构 。从文学院、商学院、传播学院,教育学院,理工学院,人类环境学院,教育信息学院,社会工作学院,艺术表演学院等等 。目前共有3500位硕士班与博士班的学生在125个系所就读,11个学院提供200个科目可供选择校内有配备齐全的教室,各式符合最新科技水准的研究实验室,校内的硬设备居全区之冠 。
阿拉巴马大学位于阿拉巴马州的塔城(Tuscaloosa),这座城市大约有90,000名居民 。塔城有温和的气候,冬季较短且夏季较长 。这里离美国南部几个主要大城市很近,例如距伯明翰开车1小时、亚特兰大3小时、纳什维尔4小时、孟斐思和纽奥良4.5小时 。阿拉巴马州位于美国东南部,四边被田纳西州、密西西比州、乔治亚州和佛罗里达州包围 。正因为居于此重要地理位置,阿拉巴马州常年享有温和的气候 。夏季炎热、冬季温和,而春季和秋季都很温暖,灿烂缤纷的花朵四处绽放且绿树林立 。
美国大学2008年Biomedical/Bioengineering 生物工程专业排名第37
(Phds)Music 音乐专业最新排名第60
美国最宜居的州是哪个州呢?答案是:阿拉巴马州 。其中原因既与其城市安全度有关,也与其浓郁的教育范围有关,还有那些原因呢?跟着来一起了解一下吧,欢迎阅读 。
前言:在选择最宜居的城市时,需要考虑的因素包括气候条件、消费水平、教育水平等 。
? Total state population is 4.8 million (2011)
? Capital is Montgomerylargest city by population is Birmingham
? Located in south-east of USborders with Tennessee to north, Georgia toeast, Florida and Gulf of Mexico to south, and Mississippi to west
? Famous Alabamians include writers Truman Capote and Harper Lee, musicianNat ‘King’ Cole and actress Courtney Cox
? Most popular sports are American football, baseball and motorsports
? The first rocket to put humans on the moon was built in Huntsville, whichis now home to the US Space and Rocket Center
? Alabama’s fifth-largest city Tuscaloosa was named ‘America’s MostLiveable City’ by the US Conference of Mayors in 2011, joint with Florida’sTallahassee
? Memorable town names include Aimwell, Slapout, Smut Eye, Trickem, BurntCorn and Equality
?阿拉巴马州第五大城市塔斯卡卢萨与佛罗里达州的塔拉哈西并列在2011年被美国市长会议评为“ 美国最宜居城市 ”,
?令人印象深刻的城市名称包括:Aimwell, Slapout, Smut Eye, Trickem, Burnt Corn andEquality等
Located in the heart of the Deep South, Alabama enjoys a subtropicalclimate, beautiful and varied natural scenery, and rich offerings in the fieldsof history and culture.As well as some of the highest summer temperatures in theUS and relatively mild winters, Alabama's subtropical climate also brings thestate a healthy amount of rain, as well as some more severe weather.The state’sgeography is equally varied, ranging from mountains in the north to beaches onthe south coast. Much of the central region is composed of gentle plains,criss-crossed by a number of notable lakes and rivers, of which the largest arethe Tennessee River and Guntersville Lake.The great outdoors certainly plays animportant role in Alabama lifehunting, fishing, hiking, camping, cycling,climbing and rafting are all popular pastimes.
But the state is also rich in history and culture.From Native Americanheritage to Civil War sites and key events in the Civil Rights Movement(including the Rosa Parks bus incident), history buffs will find no shortage ofmaterial.There are also many high quality dramatic venues, an exciting folk artrenaissance under way, and a vibrant live music scene – this is, after all, oneof the great homes of American country, blues, rock and gospel.Alabama's largestcities are fairly widely spread out. Montgomery and Birmingham are central,Huntsville in the north, Tuscaloosa in the west, and Mobile in the south – wherethe Mobile River meets the Gulf of Mexico.
亚拉巴马州地处美国南部腹地,亚热带气候,拥有美丽而多样的自然风光以及丰富的历史和文化 。除了一些美国最高的夏季气温和相对温和的冬季,阿拉巴马的亚热带气候也给该州带来了适当强度的的降雨以及一些更为恶劣的天气 。该州的地理分布也同样多样,从北部的山脉到南部海岸的海滩 。中部地区大部分由温和的平原组成,有许多著名的湖泊和河流纵横交错,其中最大的是田纳西河和甘特斯维尔湖 。许多的户外运动在亚拉巴马州的生活中扮演着重要的角色打猎、钓鱼、远足、露营、骑自行车、爬山和漂流都是很流行的消遣方式 。
与此同时,国家也有丰富的历史和文化 。从印第安人的遗产到内战遗址以及民权运动中的关键事件(包括罗莎·帕克斯的巴士事件),历史迷们将会发现材料并不短缺 。在亚拉巴马州还有许多高质量的戏剧场地,有趣的民间文艺复兴以及充满活力的现场音乐现场——毕竟,这是美国乡村、蓝调、摇滚和福音的伟大家园之一 。阿拉巴马州最大的城市都分布得相当广泛 。蒙哥马利和伯明翰和中部的亨茨维尔,西部是塔斯卡卢萨,南部是莫比尔河(MobileRiver)与墨西哥湾的汇合处 。
Top universities in Alabama
In total, Alabama has more than 60 universities to choose from, includingboth public and private, four-year and two-year institutions.
The University of Alabama (UA) is both the state’s largest university andits highest ranked – it makes the top 450 of the QS World University Rankings in2011/12.Nicknamed ‘the capstone’ (ie. the capstone of the state’s highereducation system), UA is the flagship institution of the University of AlabamaSystem, which also includes the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), andthe University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).The similarity of names may be alittle confusing, but – while all three universities report to the Board ofTrustees University of Alabama System – each is basically run independently.UAhas a strong focus on research, but also prides itself on being student-centred.This means it offers a wide range of support services for students, including afree bus service around the (large) campus, more than 4,000 part-time campusjobs for students, and a dedicated Women’s Resource Center.As of the start ofthe 2011-12 academic year, a total of 31,747 students were enrolled at UA. Ofthese, more than 60% were from within the state, almost 35% from elsewhere inthe US, and 4% were international students – hailing from 77 differentcountriesWith a mixture of academic and vocational courses on offer, the spreadof majors being taken by students includes: arts and sciences subjects,business, engineering, communication, education, law, nursing and socialwork.
阿拉巴马州总共有60多所大学可供选择,包括公立学校和私立大学,4年制和2年制大学 。
阿拉巴马大学是美国最大的大学,也是排名最高的大学,它在2011 /12年度的QS世界大学排名中排名前450 。绰号“顶点”(阿拉巴马大学是阿拉巴马大学系统的旗舰性的大学,阿拉巴马州的亨茨维尔大学和阿拉巴马大学在伯明翰分校都是亚拉巴马大学的顶尖级的大学 。名字的相似性可能有点让人困惑,但是——尽管这三所大学都向董事会提交了亚拉巴马大学的系统——但它们基本上都是独立运行的 。阿拉巴马大学对研究有很强的专注力,但也以学生为中心而自豪 。这意味着它为学生提供了广泛的支持服务,包括在(大型)校园附近的免费巴士服务,为学生提供4000多份兼职校园工作以及一个专门的女性资源中心 。在2011-12学年开始的时候,共有31,747名学生在阿拉巴马大学注册入学 。其中,60%以上的学生来自州内,近35%来自美国的其他地方和4%的国际学生,这些学生来自77个不同的国家,该校也拥有诸多不同的学术和职业课程包括:艺术与科学主题、业务、工程、通信、教育、法律、护理和社会工作 。
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