Why would China Ban iPhone?
iPhone has brought jobs research and technology tax revenue incentives for Chinese mobile phone companies and strengthened international ties to China.
苹果手机为中国手机公司带来了就业机会、研究和技术、税收和激励 , 并加强了与中国的国际联系 。
The U.S. crackdown on Huawei is aimed at preventing China from leading the way in 5G technology preventing China’s strategic development and technology growth and signaling sanctions against China
美国打压华为的目的是阻止中国在5G技术上领先 , 阻止中国的战略发展和技术增长 , 并发出制裁中国的信号
What will iPhone sanctions do for China? Behind Apple is Wall Street Silicon Valley not the government Apple wants to work with China why not make money together.
制裁苹果手机对中国有什么影响?苹果背后是华尔街、硅谷 , 不是政府 , 苹果想和中国合作 , 为什么不一起赚钱呢 。
As for Nike A big country to crack down on a clothing company with rules and laws not necessaryNor does it meet the requirements of China’s international free market
至于耐克 , 一个大国用规则和法律来打击一家服装公司 , 没有必要 , 也不符合中国国际自由市场的要求
The answer to this question is somewhat simple Huawei was hoping to sell its services to the USA and in my opinion Trump felt threatened not because of China spying on US but because the market share it would capture as the technology Huawei offers is first rate and at a very competitive price.
这个问题的答案有点简单 , 华为希望向美国出售其服务 , 在我看来 , 懂王感到威胁不是因为中国对美国进行间d活动 , 而是因为华为提供的技术将占据市场份额是一流的 , 而且 以极具竞争力的价格 。
The only two other players in my opinion that compete with Huawei are Ericsson and ZTE of China. Nokia and Cidco will eventually get there but currently they are way behind Huawei. Now when it comes to Apple and Nike China is a big market for both these companies but China is also the manufacturing base for them. By banning them would result in 10000 people employed by Apple directly and another upto 15000 indirectly jobless.
在我看来 , 与华为竞争的另外两家厂商是爱立信和中国的中兴通讯 。诺基亚和思科最终会到达这一目标 , 但目前它们远远落后于华为 。现在说到苹果和耐克 , 中国对这两家公司来说都是一个很大的市场 , 但中国也是它们的制造基地 。禁止他们将导致 10000 人直接受雇于苹果 , 另有多达 15000 人间接失业 。
Same is the case with Nike which employs 200000+ directly and a good few more indirectly.China wouldn't want to shoot itself in the foot by making so many of its people lose their jobs. Also such an action would make other foreign companies manufacturing in China somewhat nervous.
耐克的情况也是如此 , 它直接雇佣了20万人 , 间接雇佣了很多人 。 中国不想让这么多人失去工作 , 搬起石头砸自己的脚 。 此外 , 这样的行动也会让其他在中国生产的外国公司有些紧张 。
The one thing Chinese appreciates more than most is jobs for its over a billion people.
中国最重视的一件事是为10多亿人提供就业机会 。
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