The table is turned now. U.S. tariffs and sanctions worked on Japan because we had the existential market. It’s China who has this now.
现在局势逆转了 。 美丽国的关税和制裁对日本有效 , 因为我们有存量市场 。 现在是中国拥有这个 。
All these U.S. actions are just stupid. The semiconductor industry is a globalized business in which U.S. companies have meaningful impact and one that we have no reasonable chance of controlling. So instead of maintaining the status quo we are pushing to isolate China and force them to become self-sufficient. When this happens and we know it will the U.S. will be frozen out including all of our tech companies. . . in an industry that is core to being able to harness advanced technology for our future.
美丽国的所有这些行为都是愚蠢的 。 半导体产业是一个全球化的产业 , 美丽国企业在其中具有重要的影响力 , 我们没有合理的机会控制它 。 因此 , 我们不是维持现状 , 而是推动孤立中国 , 迫使他们自给自足 。 当这种情况发生时(我们知道它会发生) , 美丽国将被排除在外 , 包括我们所有的科技公司……在一个能够为我们的未来利用先进技术的核心行业 。
China is currently self sufficient in chips.
中国目前在芯片方面是自给自足的 。
SMIC is making 7nm chips. The increase in computing power from 5nm chips is mostly from new design. The savings in power is negligible in comparison to the power used by the screen of the phone. Bear in mind that Intel just moved to 10nm. They were at 14+++++ for nearly 10 years. And they managed to keep up.
中芯国际正在生产7纳米芯片 。 5纳米芯片的计算能力的提高主要来自于新的设计 。 与手机屏幕所消耗的电能相比 , 这种节省的电能可以忽略不计 。 请记住 , 英特尔刚刚转向10纳米技术 。 他们在14纳米+维持了将近10年 。 他们设法跟上了 。
China is currently building a fab that is completely Chinese. No foreign equipment. Next year SMEE will release 14nm litho machines. This will enable China to print 5nm chips indigenously.
中国目前正在建设一个完全属于中国的晶圆厂 。 百分百国产 , 没有外国的设备 。 明年上海微电子装备(集团)股份有限公司将推出14nm光刻机 。 这将使中国能够自主打印5纳米芯片 。
The only thing the Chip Act does is lock US companies out of China. This will cause US companies to lose tens of billions in revenue. Which is great for Chinese companies because now they get to make money which will drive innovation.
《芯片法案》唯一做的就是把美丽国公司挡在中国门外 。 这将导致美丽国企业损失数百亿美元的收入 。 这对中国公司来说是件好事 , 因为现在他们可以赚钱 , 这将推动创新 。
China thanks Biden for helping China become a world leader in semi-conductor manufacturing.
中国感谢拜登帮助中国成为半导体制造业的世界领导者 。
Strictly speaking it is not an embargo yet.
严格地说 , 这还不是禁运 。
Rather corporations need to apply for licenses to sell advanced chips to Chinese companies. Permission is also required to sell advanced chipmaking equipment tools and software to Chinese foundries. This can include non-us companies under the “us patent or technology” fdpr blanket. Americans who want to work for Chinese tech companies must also obtain clearance to do so.
相反 , 企业需要申请许可证才能向中国公司销售先进芯片 。 向中国代工厂出售先进的芯片制造设备、工具和软件也需要获得许可 。 这可能包括“美丽国专利或技术”「外国直接产品规则」范围内的非美丽国公司 。 想为中国科技公司工作的美丽国人也必须获得许可才能这样做 。
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