iPhone|印度网友的迷惑提问:为什么中国厂商没有能力生产高质量产品?( 四 )

总而言之 , 中国有能力生产高质量的产品 , 这是我想首先解释的 。 但也需要承认 , 中国公司要制造创新技术的产品 , 并努力将产品传播到国外 , 以获得外国人的好评 , 还有很长的路要走 。 在我看来 , 中国每个人都需要发挥自己的作用 , 纠正对中国劣质产品的误解 , 并努力将口号从“中国制造”转变为“中国创新” 。
If I realized after working in China that if you want to buy a \"Made in China\" product you'd better buy it from China. The quality and structure of the products are much better than those sold in your own country.
我在中国工作后意识到 , 如果你想购买一种“中国制造”的产品 , 那么最好是从中国本土购买 。 产品的质量和结构比在你自己国家销售的要好得多 。
The problem is not China but ourselves or our traders who have realized that as consumers our expectations for products are bad. We are always subconsciously ready to buy any cheap counterfeit product as long as it is cheap!!
问题不在于中国 , 而在于我们自己 , 或者我们的交易者 , 他们已经意识到 , 作为消费者 , 我们对产品的期望是糟糕的 。 我们总是下意识地准备购买任何便宜的假冒产品 , 只要它便宜!!
This reminds me of a friend of mine who imports hardware products from China. This is his first time to do business with a Chinese company. He is negotiating the price of the product.
这让我想起了我的一个朋友 , 他从中国进口五金产品 。 这是他第一次与中国公司做生意 。 他正在谈判产品的价格 。
The Chinese seller said \"5 USD unit price!!\".
中国卖家说 , “5美元单价!!” 。
This is a competitive offer but he wants to see if he can get a better price.
这是一个有竞争力的报价 , 但他想看看是否能得到更好的价格 。
\"How about the unit price of $3?\"
\"All right!\"
Wow... It's so easy.
哇……中国人太好说话了 。
Then my friend felt that he could lower the price again and tentatively offered another one.
然后我的朋友觉得可以再压一下价格 , 又试探性地报了一个 。
\"Sorry I was wrong. I mean the unit price of 2 dollars.\"
“对不起 , 我说错了 , 我的意思是2美元的单价 。 ”
\"Okay no problem\"
“好的 , 没问题”
My friend is ecstatic. He thinks he has made a lot of money. He has just completed a lucrative transaction.
我的朋友欣喜若狂 , 他觉得自己赚大了 , 他刚刚完成了一笔利润丰厚的交易 。
A few weeks later his goods arrived. He opened the goods excitedly but found that the quality of the products was not up to the standard and the surface was rough.
几周后 , 他的货物到达 。 他兴奋地打开了货物 , 却发现产品质量不过关 , 而且表面粗糙 。
He angrily called the Chinese seller to complain.
他愤怒地打电话给中国卖家投诉 。
\"You cheated me!! This is not the quality you promised me...\"
The Chinese coldly replied \"If you pay $2/unit price you will get $2 quality products. If you want $5 quality products you need to pay $5/unit price!!\"
中国人冷冷地回答:“你付2美元/单价 , 你会得到2美元的优质产品 , 如果你想要5美元单价的优质产品 , 你需要付5美元/单价!!”
Many people are used to linking \"Made in China\" with shoddy products but this concept really needs to be updated. China now produces products of different levels from low to high many of which are commendable.
许多人习惯于将“中国制造”与粗制滥造的产品联系起来 , 但这种观念确实需要更新 。 中国现在生产的产品从低到高 , 级别各异 , 其中有很多值得称赞 。